A sneak peek at a new subclass for Destiny 2 might have just been accidentally revealed early ahead of this month’s upcoming showcase on August 23 Come from Sports betting site VPbet . In the video below, you can spot a new design for the Guardian super and ability bars that’s largely different from the usual Arc, Solar, Void, or Stasis versions. The symbol for the Super ability is also new and features two lines surrounded by a circle, while the icons for grenade and melee abilities use existing art assets.
As spotted by Destiny Leaks, the video doesn’t have too many details to go on and comes from a Bungie artist who was showing off a finisher animation on a now-deleted ArtStation post. The brief clip appears to show a new subclass that uses a green color palette, tying into rumors that players will be gifted a new Darkness power that’s centered around decay and poison elements.